How to create a name for your business which is the hardest part of creating any brand identity. I discuss here about how to build your brand online. I am a big fan of the name of the business has to signify what your trying to deliver to your audience.
So for instance Twitter, is tweeting a message to fans by way of a bird, but really your texting it through an mobile application. Facebook, is a book of faces, it’s a social media element for people to connect. How Sean Parker shorten TheFacebook.com to just Facebook.com, minds are blown and an idea is formed. Another pathway is my branding agency, I realized that more and more clients came to us wanting to refresh, relook or rebrand their image. So I created Rebrandery, rebranding companies one step at a time. I love it and passionate about it.
First, you have to decide if this is a modern company, old-fashion, trendy, hipster, what audience are you trying to attract to your business. If it’s a law firm, you have to go with last names. Or if your goal is to attract all audiences then, shorter the name the better, like Fiverr, Uber, something with two words together like Dropbox or Trader Joe’s. Sometimes getting a single word as a business name much less a domain name can be difficult.
Second, you have to decide if this is going to professional, creative or artistic kind of business or name. Once you have an area of services your providing then you can figured out what you can call your business. Kinda like Resy.com does for reservations like website. When you have an idea if your business is going to be professional, creative or artistic, then you can create the storytelling or the brand of that business, the backbone of the reputation, success, feeling the user gets when they get to your website, business or location.
Thirdly and lastly, your business name cannot sound like another business, or much less another word, so if a user types in the computer they get confused how to spell it. I mean we have Google Search for that but still, you want to make sure you connect with the audience that is trying to find you online in the world wide web.